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The first picture is this morning on my deck and the second picture is last week in Grand Junction at the Colorado National Monument.  A wee bit of contrast.

We knew the weather was going to change and knew we would get some snow, but we didn’t know we would get FEET of snow.  There was a trip today and I woke up early and looked outside.  Oh dear.  David quickly got dressed so he could plow.  I put Beau out the front door.  He flew off the front covered porch into almost two feet of snow and went thud.

“Huh?  Where’d everybody go?”

We got the car ready and the drive plowed, but there was no way I was heading out until the big plow came by.  You don’t make friends in the neighborhood by getting stuck and blocking the plow (which somebody did).

Tina and Joe bailed me out and went to the store.  They ordered a second lunch, got the trip taken care of, did some business, shoveled the walk and got things going until I could get there around 11:30.  Trip had a blast with Tom.
