Self-Guided Day Trips

Estes Park, Colorado.

We stepped into doing Day Trips almost by accident in 2020 due to COVID19.  As lodging was limited, we booked a couple of trips this way with the client booking their own lodging and Footpaths planning the days.  It was fantastic and opened up a whole new category for us!  This is a great option for returning clients who want to change up the hiking or for anyone just preferring to stay in one place.  Choose as many days as you like and they don’t have to be consecutive.  Give us your ability level.  We’ll do the planning and your trip manager will do the executing.  Same superb organization, same service and as always the best hiking.
To schedule a trip email me at
Easy to moderate trips
Easy/Easy Moderate
Aspen Glen to Old Dunraven 
Easy moderate | 7 miles | Most of the year
This is a great beginning day.  Route is lovely traversing three meadows with views in all directions.  Good hiking but no sustained up.  We can cut the mileage down if needed.
Sprague Lake Loop
Easy moderate | 6.7 miles | Spring, summer and fall
Loop hike to Sprague Lake.  Especially nice in the fall.
Day trips pricing